Our land preservation work is guided by a thoughtful vision that prioritizes protection of interconnected greenways in urban, suburban and rural communities. > Learn More
Land for growing food, protecting water and refreshing the air we breathe is critical for life itself. Here is the how and why of land preservation and some of our successes. > Learn More
Get outside and enjoy the lands you’ve helped us protect. Find a D&R Greenway trail and visit our njtrails.org website to learn about trails throughout central New Jersey. > Learn More
Preservation is the first step. Stewardship lasts forever. Find out how we care for land to ensure its conservation values, and what you can do on your own property.> Learn More
Single event rentals and Partner Memberships are available to non-profits, corporations, universities, public agencies and private organizations who rent our signature indoor and outdoor spaces for meetings, programs and special events. Learn More
A labyrinth is an ancient and mysterious pattern that is representative of one’s journey in life. Unlike a maze where you encounter a wrong turn or a dead end, the labyrinth has one way in, leading to the center, and one way out. Learn More
Mission-themed art exhibitions in our Marie L. Matthews Art Gallery bring together significant and new artists to inspire thought and delight in nature. Our Olivia Rainbow children’s gallery presents the work of preservationists of tomorrow. > Learn More
Join us to ensure a healthy, diverse plant community. Transform your home, school or community garden into habitat. Our native shrubs, grasses and perennial flowers are available during the growing season from our Native Plant Nursery. > Learn More
Conservation Lands for Sale
Would you like to own a farm or property that contributes to conservation in our region? Find out about unique properties offered for sale through our Inaugural Revolving Land Fund. > Learn More
Our ever-changing themed art exhibitions offer art in diverse media, available to enjoy in your own home and office, and as gifts. Art sales support our land preservation and stewardship mission. > Learn More
View a selection of books available for purchase, with proceeds going to support the work of D&R Greenway. > Learn More
You can make a real difference in conservation of New Jersey’s special places. D&R Greenway is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Donations are fully tax-deductible. We offer memorial and honorary gift recognition opportunities.
Legacy Giving
Your legacy can ensure a green future. Planned gifts, including bequests and charitable gift annuities that provide a lifetime income, may include recognition in our EverGreen Circle.
Corporations and local businesses show they care about the places where we live and work by supporting D&R Greenway. Find out how your business can participate, and learn which businesses have joined us in our mission.
New Jersey is the first state predicted to reach “build-out”, according to a Rutgers University study. Our mission is increasingly urgent: To preserve and care for land, and inspire a conservation ethic, now and for the future. > Learn More
Our dedicated trustees express why they care about D&R Greenway’s mission.. > Learn More
Milestone Accomplishments
A timeline shows the difference that D&R Greenway has made in our local communities and beyond. > Learn More
Our accomplished team of preservation professionals is recognized nationally, statewide and locally. > Learn More
Featuring Legacy Collections of
Lambertville Artist, Joseph Shannon
Stop by and take a look at the collectible signed pottery available,
as well as colorful art glass, and a selection of remarkable artwork by
local artist, Joseph Shannon, who generously bequeathed his
estate collections to D&R Greenway
Mondays – Fridays
10 am – 4 pm
Johnson Education Center
1 Preservation Place, Princeton
Each purchase comes with a Gift Tag showing that your
purchase contributes to a legacy of land preservation
If you are interested in purchasing any of the pottery, glassware, or art,
stop by in person or call us at 609-924-4646, or email info@drgreenway.org
Reece Pottery dinner service set $450
Featuring a unique collection of Reese pottery, including a dinner service set
Rare free form Iron Glaze Pottery Bowl approx 9.5 in h x 18.5 in wide $350 signed
Jersey Devil Iron Glaze Pottery approx 14 in round $225 unsigned
Gargoyle Iron Glaze approx 13 in round $225 unsigned
Reece Helga Warrier Woman Iron Glaze and Pottery jar approx 17h x 13 $250
Reece Candlestick holders approx. 6 in. $75 pair
Reece Brown, Tan, and Maroon Vase 14 in h $135
Reece brown vase approx. 14h $145
Reece blue covered bowl 8 in x 5 $65
Reece blue and tan pitcher 13h $125
Reece tan bowl 6 in x 10 with ladle $125 note – bowl also has holes and can be used as a planter
Reece soup tureen with ladle 1 approx. 11 x 6.5h $150
Warrior Woman wall plaque approx. 17 x 17 $250 unsigned
Reece tea pot approx 6 in h x 10 in $135
About D&R Greenway Land Trust: D&R Greenway Land Trust is an accredited nonprofit that has reached a new milestone of over 22,000 acres of land preserved throughout central New Jersey since 1989. By protecting land in perpetuity and creating public trails, it gives everyone the opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors. The land trust’s preserved farms and community gardens provide local organic food for residents of the region—including those most in need. Through strategic land conservation and stewardship, D&R Greenway combats climate change, protects birds and wildlife, and ensures clean drinking water for future generations.
D&R Greenway’s mission is centered on connecting land with people from all walks of life. Visit our Facebook and Instagram pages and www.drgreenway.org to learn about the organization’s latest news and in-person and virtual programs. D&R Greenway Land Trust, One Preservation Place, Princeton NJ 08540. The best way to reach D&R Greenway staff is by sending an e-mail to info@drgreenway.org or by calling D&R Greenway at 609-924-4646.
Our Mission: To Preserve & Care for Land and Inspire a Conservation Ethic, Now and Forever
Land Preserved
328 stories of preservation and 22,222+ protected Acres