D&R Greenway Events

Join us for a Personal Tribute to Phyllis Marchand

D&R Greenway and the Family of Phyllis Marchand…

Invite You to Join Us
Sunday, October 17
Anytime between Noon and 3:00 pm
Johnson Education Center
One Preservation Place
Princeton, NJ
Please let us know if you’re coming at rsvp@drgreenway.org

Phyllis’ leadership at D&R Greenway Land Trust left an impressive legacy.

Those of us fortunate to spend time with Phyllis Marchand knew we were in the presence of a special person who
brought people together to achieve big things while elevating everyone involved. On October 17, please join a
select group of family, friends, and members of the D&R Greenway community for a tribute to Phyllis,
who left this Earth on March 25 at the age of 81.
This will be an Outdoor Open House, a chance to share stories among friends, with entertainment but no formal remarks.

The Steve Hiltner Jazz Band will play Phyllis’ Phavorite Songs.

Enjoy a soft drink & take home a bag of Phyllis’ Phavorite Things.

This event will be outdoors for COVID safety.

Parking at Greenway Meadows and Johnson Park School
Accessible Parking is available at the Johnson Education Center by request.
Please let us know if you have special needs for parking at dkilmer@drgreenway.org.

Your advance RSVP will enable us to inform you of any change in plans in case of inclement weather.

Friends Appreciate Phyllis

“Preserving land is a forever legacy.
Generations to come will benefit from the many gifts that Phyllis shared with all of us –
joy, determination, commitment to conservation and community.”
Linda Mead, D&R Greenway Land Trust President & CEO

“Phyllis has a way of doing things so every person involved, every partner,
feels like they have contributed something and gotten something back from it.”

Eleanor Horne, Former D&R Greenway Trustee

“She was a joy to have as mayor.
All the township employees really recognized that.”
Jack Roberts, Retired Director of Recreation, Princeton

Enjoy Phyllis’ Life Story in Her Own Words

Saluting Phyllis Marchand: Mayor & PreservationistClick image above to watch a video celebrating
Phyllis and the ways she created an ethic of conservation.
You can also reminisce with our video We’ll Be Seeing You.

“No matter what you may face, taking a walk in the sunshine always makes for a better day.”
Phyllis Marchand

Click Here to Learn about Phyllis’ Phavorite Land Trust


Our Mission: To Preserve & Care for Land and Inspire a Conservation Ethic, Now and Forever

Land Preserved
328 stories of preservation and 22,222+ protected Acres
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