D&R Greenway News

D&R Greenway Calling All Volunteers: Help Plant Trees & Shrubs on Open Space!


Volunteers Needed!

Help Plant Trees & Shrubs on Open Space!

Plantings at each location will be spread out over four to five days, enabling volunteers to work with social distance, while being supervised by knowledgeable project leaders.   If you would like to participate, additional logistical information and sign-up forms can be found at the links below:

October 1-5, new Koch Property adjacent to Cedar Ridge in Hopewell

Learn more and sign up here.

October 7-10, Cedar Ridge in Hopewell 

Learn more and sign up here.

October 15-19, Pennington Loop at Kunkel Park, in Pennington

Learn more and sign up here.

Here’s a quick video with tips and hints for tree planting,
or volunteers and anyone else interested in learning more! 


The COVID era changed but hasn’t stopped our stewardship of preserved land. The health of our local environment requires that we continue investing in restoration projects that are moving forward this fall.


We are seeking volunteers to help plant trees at two D&R Greenway preserves: Cedar Ridge in Hopewell and the Pennington Nature Loop at Kunkel Park in Pennington. At Cedar Ridge, we will be restoring the understory of an oak-hickory stand, improving habitat for insects, birds, and small mammals. We will also do a riparian restoration along a Stony Brook tributary, designed to improve and protect water quality.


At the Pennington Nature Loop at Kunkel Park, we will do a riparian restoration next to the Stony Brook.

At over 200 acres, Cedar Ridge is one of D&R Greenway’s earliest and most important preserves. It is a real beauty. It has wildflower-filled meadows, flowering trees and shrubs in hedgerows, a corridor along the Stony Brook, small pools that fill in spring where salamanders and frogs lay eggs, groves of red cedars that house owls, a remnant patch of ancient forest with one of the best and biggest white oak trees around, and an extensive maze of early 19th century stone walls. It is also a property with a trail network that allows you to enjoy all of these features.

The Pennington Loop Nature Trail traverses a property owned by the D&R Greenway, a property covered by a conservation easement held by the Greenway, and a property owned by the State’s Division of Fish and Wildlife.  The trail offers a number of activity options, including access to Baldwin Lake, home to a swan couple, Canada Geese, and various ducks and egrets.  The trail is accessible year-round. Dogs are also able to use this trail but must be kept on leash.


D&R Greenway Land Trust, an accredited nonprofit, is close to reaching a new milestone of 21,000 acres of land preserved since 1989. By preserving land for life and creating public trails, it gives everyone the opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors. The land trust’s preserved farms and community gardens provide local organic food for our neighbors—including those most in need. Through strategic land conservation and stewardship, D&R Greenway combats climate change, protects birds and wildlife, and ensures clean drinking water for future generations. D&R Greenway’s mission is centered in connecting land with people from all walks of life.

D&R Greenway’s Johnson Education Center, home to its art galleries in Princeton, is currently closed to ensure health and safety due to COVID.  D&R Greenway Land Trust, One Preservation Place, Princeton NJ 08540


Our Mission: To Preserve & Care for Land and Inspire a Conservation Ethic, Now and Forever

Land Preserved
328 stories of preservation and 22,222+ protected Acres
Upcoming Events
Feb 28

When the Land Calls Art Exhibit

Monday - Friday, from 10 am - 4 pm
Johnson Education Center, 1 Preservation Place, Princeton, NJ

When The Land Calls An Art Exhibit Featuring Jewelry > Read More

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