D&R Greenway News

D&R Greenway Land Trust Invites Public to Join in the Parade: Masquerade Parade 2020!

Princeton, NJ — September 22, 2020


D&R Greenway Land Trust Invites Public to Join in the Parade: Masquerade Parade 2020!

1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m., Halloween Saturday, October 31; Rain Date: Sunday, November 1

Where ‘Floats’ are Stationary and Decorated Cars Parade through St. Michaels Farm Preserve

 Princeton: ~ D&R Greenway’s response to COVID situations is to treat this crisis as an opportunity to engage the community on its preserves in new ways. Realizing that “Everyone loves a parade,” their traditional Masquerade Ball is being transformed into Masquerade Parade 2020! The drive-through experience, a safe   alternative to trick-or-treating, will take place in daylight from 1:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. on Halloween afternoon, Saturday, October 31; Rain Date: Sunday, November 1. In this unusual parade, themed ‘floats’ will be positioned along the bucolic farm road on St. Michaels Farm Preserve, while decorated cars move past. Passengers are encouraged to create lively signs to the event theme of “I Love LAND Because…

In parade-goer signs and on banners displayed with each float, originality and humor are particularly encouraged, creating fun for kids of all ages. A sign template will be available at www.drgreenway.org, to enable completion of the theme phrase, “I Love LAND Because…”  Photographers will capture signs and decorated cars, and the unique floats, in a photographic exhibit that will be available on D&R Greenway’s website after the parade, enabling free downloads and an ability to “re-live the parade!”

Best-selling author/artist Patrick McDonnell, creator of the MUTTS comic strip, is creating an iconic welcome to surprise parade goers along the parade route.  This day promises to be lively and real, with safety advantages of the virtual!

For those who wish to support the community with this special opportunity for children and adults alike, sponsorships are available with donor categories of Grand Marshal, Cavalcade, Motorcade and Marching.  Parade-goers are asked to pre-register in 15-minute timeslots to allow as many cars as possible to “proceed” in the parade at $25 per car, prepaid by credit card at www.drgreenway.org by October 26, 2020 – or until the 300-car limit is attained. Registrations are first come, first served. Tax deductible donations support D&R Greenway’s legendary land preservation and stewardship mission.

2020 being the year of new normals, the land trust’s exceptional Masquerade Balls of yesteryear have been re-imagined in light of social distancing. Cars themselves are invited to ‘wear costumes’. Trick-or-Treating will manifest in the form of themed Goody Bags filled with Nature-oriented surprises. Instead of children at the door, families will cruise past ‘floats’ of ever-changing delights.

All ages are welcome to enjoy this stress-buster, fun event as D&R Greenway celebrates the tenth anniversary of preserving the former St. Michaels Orphanage site. Social distancing will remain the norm, as passengers remain in cars. Vehicles will “line up” in the Hopewell Elementary School parking lot and enter St. Michaels Farm Preserve at the new Princeton Avenue entrance closest to town (Hopewell), circling past themed ‘floats’, and exiting from the original preserve parking lot on Princeton Avenue.

Floats will both educate and entertain.  Groups presenting parade floats include the Girl Scouts of America, Friends for the Abbott Marshlands, Fyrefly Yoga and Princeton University Concerts. The float representing the town of Hopewell is being created by the Hopewell Police with assistance from the fire company. The Garden Club of Princeton will be stationed at the newly seeded Marchand Meadows, honoring former Princeton Mayor Phyllis Marchand and located in the footprint of the former St. Michaels Orphanage that stood here for a century. Mural artist Marlon Davila is working with high school youth from the Latin American Legal Defense and Education Fund’s FUTURO program, renowned for D&R Greenway’s new Delaware River Mural on Bordentown Beach.  The students will present cultural interpretations about the meaning of land. Special “guests” may wander along the parade route to delight and wave to car participants.  More floats will be announced on D&R Greenway’s website, www.drgreenway.org, where sponsors and parade enthusiasts can find more information about this family-friendly Halloween event.

Funds from this unique event will expand the land trust’s preservation and stewardship in central New Jersey. Public enthusiasm for D&R Greenway’s forty miles of trails has continuously mounted as people re-imagine their lives and discover trails, even Nature itself. Thanks to previous Masquerade Balls and other events, the land trust’s 21,000 acres of preserves provide accessible healthy activity, along with fitness and beauty itself. The vigor of everyone’s response proves that “Keeping Open Space Open” has become more vital than ever before.



D&R Greenway Land Trust, an accredited nonprofit, is close to reaching a new milestone of 21,000 acres of land preserved since 1989. By preserving land for life and creating public trails, it gives everyone the opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors. The land trust’s preserved farms and community gardens provide local organic food for our neighbors—including those most in need. Through strategic land conservation and stewardship, D&R Greenway combats climate change, protects birds and wildlife, and ensures clean drinking water for future generations. D&R Greenway’s mission is centered in connecting land with people from all walks of life.

D&R Greenway’s Johnson Education Center, home to its art galleries in Princeton, is currently closed to ensure health and safety due to COVID.  D&R Greenway Land Trust, One Preservation Place, Princeton NJ 08540


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