D&R Greenway News

D&R Greenway’s New Photography Exhibit by David O. Anderson “Emergence” joins GSWS Exhibit “Recovery”

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – December 9, 2021, Princeton ~

David Anderson “Charon”

D&R Greenway Land Trust invites the public to experience nature with new eyes, inspired by its newly opened art exhibition, “Emergence.” David O. Anderson, former President of Princeton Photography Club, and a long-time member of the land trust’s Photographers of Preservation, is exhibiting a new collection of nature photographs, as seen from the viewpoint of a child. The Olivia Rainbow Gallery, named in memory of 5-year-old Olivia Kuenne, has been transformed into a wonder-filled experience, with exploratory words and images that evoke “the process of coming into view.” This unique collection is enchanting to children and adults alike, who will experience the sense of attention-with-wonder that youthful boys and girls bring to the natural world. Anderson’s nature discoveries may be viewed from December 6 through Thursday, February 3, 2022.

With this new exhibit, D&R Greenway also announces removal of the timed entry requirement and easier access with new Open Viewing Hours. Garden State Watercolor Society’s “Recovery” Juried Exhibition and “Delaware River – River of the Year” art installation in the lobby may be visited Monday through Thursday, from 11 am – 3 pm. The show was extended through January 7, 2022 at D&R Greenway’s Johnson Education Center, One Preservation Place, Princeton.

With this new exhibit, D&R Greenway also announces removal of the timed entry requirement and easier access with new Open Viewing Hours. Garden State Watercolor Society’s “Recovery” Juried Exhibition and “Delaware River – River of the Year” art installation in the lobby may be visited Monday through Thursday, from 11 am – 3 pm. The show was extended through January 7, 2022 at D&R Greenway’s Johnson Education Center, One Preservation Place, Princeton.

David Anderson “Metamorphosis”

For the first time, the Olivia Rainbow Gallery is expanded to include an adjacent gallery, providing a feeling of emergence into a bigger space where the viewer is surrounded by nature. Anderson’s images transport the viewer to unexpected beauty — new evidence that there is indeed a world beyond vaccines and quarantines. From the emergence of first snowdrops in spring to compelling families of fungi, to the mysterious boatman hiding beneath broad green leaves, Anderson’s art celebrates not only the power, but especially the mystery, of Nature. The artist reveals his creative process: “As I considered this request from D&R Greenway Land Trust in 2020 for images of nature from a child’s perspective, I was flooded with childhood memories of family picnics in parks and nature preserves, visits to zoos and to natural history museums, and outdoor camping trips with the Boy Scouts. This state of mind allowed me to view nature from a child’s viewpoint rather than as an adult.”

A special feature is a six-foot tall image in the shape of New Jersey, filled with a black-and-white painting of “Bats Across the Garden State.” Created by a 5th grade class for Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey, it is on loan for this exhibit only. Liz Silvernail, the organization’s Executive Director, describes Conserve Wildlife’s mission as “to preserve rare and at-risk wildlife in New Jersey through field science, habitat restoration, public engagement, and education.” Annually, D&R Greenway has displayed Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey’s “Species on the Edge” in Olivia’s Gallery, with top art and science essays from each county in the State.

Continuing on exhibition, with expanded visitor hours, is the juried art exhibit and installation of the Garden State Watercolor Society, “Recovery.” Evoking the importance of water and the Delaware River, with an image of a young woman contemplating a glass of water, to an image of a kayaker on the Delaware, the exhibit takes viewers on a trip down the river. Each artist’s statement reflects on the river as a personal source of recovery for mind, body and spirit. The images and reflections are consistent with D&R Greenway’s founding mission to protect water quality by protecting land along the Delaware River, the D&R Canal, and the tributary streams that flow into these waterways. The art installation in the lobby features sounds of nature and light that creates the image of moonlight on the water. Visitors to the exhibit have exclaimed on the peaceful feeling experienced by viewing the exhibit. They have called it “surprising”…”meaningful”… and ”exciting.” Art for sale includes small, 5”x7” watercolor paintings that make perfect gifts for the holidays.

Deputy Executive Director of the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC), Kristen Bowman Kavanagh, said “I had the pleasure of attending the Garden State Watercolor Society’s open house in October, and both the juried exhibit and art installation offer an amazing collection that celebrates the recovery of the Delaware River. Everything in nature is connected, and art helps connect us to the natural world. These paintings and watercolors illustrate that theme beautifully with their depictions of the Delaware and how the river connects the watershed’s flora, fauna and people.” Tess Fields, President of Garden State Watercolor Society added, “We were thrilled about networking with DRBC and the NJ Department of Environmental Protection. It was very gratifying to make these connections between art and science and bring both to the public.” One official confided to Tess at the open house event that its Lambertville residents were distraught after the severe damage of Hurricane Ida. As a way to get past the negativity of living with the river’s floodwaters, they referred residents to the beauty and wonder of the online exhibit at www.gswcs.org. With an accent on the positive aspects of living next to the river, it provided hope and a sense of balance. The artwork became an uplifting balm to their emotional and spiritual well-being.

Linda Mead, D&R Greenway’s President and CEO, is “excited to share the beauty of both of these exhibits, that remind us of the importance and value of our natural world and the benefits that nature brings to our everyday life.”

Visitors are asked to follow safety precautions and remain masked inside the building. The exhibits can be visited at D&R Greenway’s Johnson Education Center, One Preservation Place, (off Rosedale Road), Princeton 08540. Phone: 609-578-7470, www. drgreenway.org. All art works are for sale, and 25% of each purchase is a tax-deductible donation to D&R Greenway’s mission to preserve and care for land, a mission that is critical as open spaces disappear to development in the most densely populated State in the country.



Princeton Photography Club is “a diverse group of individuals who share a love for photography and enjoy exploring new ideas in photography and the related arts. Our mission is to help our members become better photographers. We provide opportunities for members and the general public to further their photography education, share their talents and expertise, and display their work in local galleries.”

The Garden State Watercolor Society was founded in 1969 by Dagmar Tribble, a noted watercolorist. Over its existence, GSWS has been a beacon whose award-winning artists have inspired generations. The nonprofit organization’s goal is to encourage painting in water media and provide educational and exhibition opportunities for artists and residents of NJ, PA, NY or DE. Please visit www.gswcs.com for updates.

D&R Greenway Land Trust, an accredited nonprofit, has saved over 21,200+ acres of New Jersey land since its founding in 1989.  Preserving land for life and creating public trails grants everyone the opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors. The land trust’s preserved farms and community gardens provide local organic food for our neighbors—including those most in need. D&R Greenway’s strategic land conservation and stewardship combat climate change, protect wildlife, and ensures clean drinking water for future generations. D&R Greenway’s mission is connecting land with people from all walks of life.

D&R Greenway’s Johnson Education Center, home to its art galleries in Princeton, is currently closed to ensure health and safety due to COVID.  Our outdoor trails and labyrinth are open. Visit our Facebook and Instagram pages and www.drgreenway.org to learn about the organization’s latest news and virtual programs. D&R Greenway Land Trust, One Preservation Place, Princeton NJ 08540.  The best way to reach D&R Greenway staff is by sending an e-mail to info@drgreenway.org or by calling D&R Greenway at 609-578-7470.

Our Mission: To Preserve & Care for Land and Inspire a Conservation Ethic, Now and Forever

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328 stories of preservation and 22,222+ protected Acres
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Feb 28

When the Land Calls Art Exhibit

Monday - Friday, from 10 am - 4 pm
Johnson Education Center, 1 Preservation Place, Princeton, NJ

When The Land Calls An Art Exhibit Featuring Jewelry > Read More

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