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restoration project at Cider Mill Grasslands
The Cider Mill Grassland Preserve is an 90-acre property located in the heart of the agricultural landscape of the Amwell Valley. The property slopes gently to the south, providing a view of the Sourland Mountain ridge. The Preserve is part of the NJ Natural Heritage Program’s designated “Amwell Valley Grassland Macrosite” which totals approximately 1,593 acres and is considered a prime example of agricultural grasslands in New Jersey. This grassland complex is a critical area for grassland birds and has been identified as a high priority for protection in several other conservation planning and assessments including the NJ State Wildlife Action Plan, the Endangered and Nongame Species Program Landscape Project, the Raritan Piedmont Wildlife Habitat Partnership Grassland Conservation Plan and the New Jersey Audubon Society Important Bird Area Program. The property possesses breeding and foraging habitat for American kestrels, bobolinks, meadowlarks , grasshopper sparrows among other grassland species. Wintering short-eared owls and northern harriers have also been observed foraging on or adjacent to the site.