St. Michaels Farm Sharing Gardens

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D&R Greenway’s Community Garden

D&R Greenway’s 2022 Sharing Garden

Reaches a New Record for Donated Produce! 

1,733 pounds of donated produce with more to come until the growing season ends.

Sharing Garden volunteers, (l-r) Louise Hutner, Lois Kotkoskie and Bob Hayton  dedicate their time and gardening expertise in the Sharing Garden.  (Photo by Joan Marr)

Sharing Garden volunteer, Corinne Egner standing among rows of tomatoes that she started from seed!

D&R Greenway sends our thanks to all volunteers who work hard to make the Sharing Garden possible. Without these dedicated individuals, we would not be able to continue to positively impact our community and share the benefits of preserved open space.

Tomatoes ready to be picked from the vine!

From 2020-2023, D&R Greenway’s food pantry partner was the Chubby’s Project in Hopewell. Food grown at
St. Michaels Farm Preserve’s Sharing Garden was distributed to members of the community through the
Chubby’s project as healthy, fresh vegetables and in prepared meals.

Chard is similar to beets but from a different cultivator!

Eggplant growing on the vine, ready to be picked.

This summer, basil, beans, chard, cilantro, dill, eggplant, tomatoes, hot & sweet peppers, summer squash, and tomatoes have been donated to those in need.

Our fall crops will include acorn & butternut squash, beans, beets, broccoli raab, carrots, collards, Hakurei turnips, kale, kohlrabi, lettuce, Tokyo bekana, spinach, sweet potatoes, and watermelon radishes. 

Bountiful, fresh produce is transported

from the Sharing Garden to Aunt Chubby’s.

Our Community Garden at St. Michaels Farm Preserve, began in 2020 as a Victory Garden in response to the pandemic and has continued to grow in amazing ways. The Sharing Garden remains a symbol for a stronger and more resilient future, promoting volunteerism and eliminating food waste.  

Gardener Lorraine McCune has taken two plots with Brielle, her granddaughter. Traveling to St. Michaels from New Brunswick, Lorraine is returning to gardening after many years. Her gardens are producing lettuce, squash, and flowers.

See how the gardens grow!

Click Here for featured fresh produce recipes

growing schedule for the season, and Fun Produce Facts!

A Bit of History – Why Community Gardens Now

In 2020, D&R Greenway launched its new Sharing Gardens at St. Michaels Farm Preserve in response to the global health crisis. This type of Garden has been thought about since the 415-acre Hopewell preserve was created in 2010.

Victory Gardens got their start in WWI.  In 1917 before the US entered the war, Charles Lathrop Pack initiated the Victory Garden effort to “sow the seeds of Victory” and grow food to send to US allies. Once we were involved in the War, War Gardens, soon to be termed Victory Gardens, were touted in US patriotic propaganda efforts. The idea was to boost morale, much like today, and provide supplementation to a rationed food supply as commercial crops were diverted to feeding the soldiers. When WWII broke out, the idea was revived and proved to be very popular.

Local farmers approached Linda Mead, President & CEO of D&R Greenway, about creating the gardens. Local volunteers would tend to the six designated St. Michaels Farm Sharing Garden plots which pay it forward by celebrating the bounty of the land with local donations of healthy produce.

“A few of us were talking earlier this year about how the time had come for a community garden,” former farm manager Bill Flemer said. “With the pandemic keeping people at home, seeking healthy ways to eat and a need for ‘community,’ local organic farmers Bob and Steffi Harris and I approached Linda Mead about our idea.”

“We are all hungry for a sense of belonging, being outdoors and living healthy right now,” Linda said. “These times hearken back to the Great Depression, when victory gardens provided important sustenance for those who lost jobs or were on limited income, strapped for food. I especially liked the suggestion to include ‘Sharing Gardens’ where gardeners donate plants, time and harvest to support those in need.”

The St. Michaels Farm Sharing Garden began growing produce to help provide nearby residents with healthy food options and support struggling residents in need.  Aunt Chubby’s Luncheonette in Hopewell Borough will oversee distribution of the produce to local families in need.

The 32 plots are spaced far apart to enable people to safely garden with social distance, while still enjoying the fellowship of gardening together.

The gardens and their produce can be a source of food during times of economic uncertainty, but planting and caring for the gardens also offer gardeners a chance to become more self-sufficient and be outside during a time when social distancing is encouraged.

“A silver lining of the pandemic is that people are re-thinking their relationship with food and food sources.  D&R Greenway hopes that we’ll see a long-term trend toward eating organic and locally grown food that is better for our health and the environment.”  The words ‘Sharing and Community’ are central to this project. We see new friendships forming, and we have begun to organize virtual social activities to foster connection. Building community around outdoor activity and healthy food is an important antidote for these challenging times.”  – Linda Mead, D&R Greenway President & CEO

The site of D&R Greenway’s new St. Michaels Farm Sharing Garden once served as a farm to provide food for children who lived at the St. Michaels Orphanage that stood there through World War I and World War II.

The general public is welcomed to  see the progress from outside the large fenced area that protects against deer at St. Michaels Farm Preserve off Hopewell-Princeton Rd. in Hopewell. Check with Deb Kilmer in late winter if you’d like to be put on the waiting list for the upcoming season
This gardener is using wood chips and old newspapers for weed control.

Come take a virtual walk to experience the beauty

of the Preserve and view our inaugural garden plots

from 2020 from Planting to Bloom!

Click on the first image and the forward arrow on the bottom left to start your virtual walk

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Nov 16

The Life and Loves of Ann Savage with Dan Aubrey at The Discovery Center at Point Breeze

Saturday, November 16 - 2:00 pm
The Discovery Center at Point Breeze, 101 East Park Street, Bordentown

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