D&R Greenway Events

Emergent Universe Oratorio Bus Trip

Meet at the Johnson Education Center to travel with music and nature lovers to the Villanova Church where you’ll experience the Emergent Universe Oratorio.  Presented for the first time in the Mid-Atlantic region, this is only the third time it will be performed nationally.

D&R Greenway President Linda Mead says of last year’s performance in Cleveland, “The EUO soars to new heights as it inspires conservation of the Earth.  It is a beautiful melding of music, poetry and philosophies  – some of which you will be familiar and some of which will be eye-opening!”

You’ll enjoy wine and hors d’ oeuvres while your bus driver navigates to get you to the chapel on time!  Following the remarkable performance by the Main Line Symphony Orchestra and choral singers from Pennsylvania and Vermont, you will meet the composer and conductor at an after-party.

Vermont composer Sam Guarnaccia was inspired by the ‘Great Work’ of our time, the challenge of humanity’s presence within the Earth community, as articulated by cultural historian, geologist and teacher Thomas Berry.

“At such a moment a new revelatory experience is needed, an experience wherein human consciousness awakens to the grandeur and sacred quality of the Earth process.  This awakening is our human participation in the dream of the Earth…”

The symphonic performance will take you on a journey starting at the “beginning of time.”  It features poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke, Wendell Berry, John Elder and William Blake among others.

This is a unique opportunity and will be an evening you won’t forget!

Cost: $125 per person, RSVP by Thursday, July 12. Space is limited, first come – first served!

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Feb 28

When the Land Calls Art Exhibit

Monday - Friday, from 10 am - 4 pm
Johnson Education Center, 1 Preservation Place, Princeton, NJ

When The Land Calls An Art Exhibit Featuring Jewelry > Read More

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